Food ordering • Mobile app
HungryPanda is a food ordering app that serves over 6 million users across 80 cities in 10 countries and is expanding into North America.
Autonomous Driving Verification • Validation Solutions
Foretellix develops a verification and validation platform called Foretify™️ for autonomous driving systems, focusing on safety and efficiency in the automotive, trucking, and mining industries through a combination of real-world and virtual simulation testing.
AI in Medical Imaging • Industrial MRI Scanners
Orbem is a Munich-based startup that has developed an industrial MRI scanner combined with an AI-based platform to determine the sex of eggs, initially targeting poultry producers but with plans to expand to other biological samples and even the human body.
FloLive is a London-based startup that provides a platform for managing cellular connectivity needs, specifically for IoT and other cellular data services, across multiple countries and networks, eliminating the need for roaming deals with carrier suppliers.
Artificial Intelligence • Cancer Diagnostics
Ibex Medical Analytics is an AI-powered cancer diagnostics company that offers clinical-grade solutions to improve the accuracy and quality of cancer diagnosis, implement quality control, reduce turnaround times, and increase productivity in pathology.