Swave Photonics develops advanced Holographic eXtended Reality (HXR) display technology to create high-quality 3D holographic images for augmented reality devices.
HERVolution Therapeutics is a biotechnology company developing immunotherapy treatments targeting human endogenous retroviruses for cancer and aging-related diseases.
Fusion Energy
Novatron Fusion Group is a Stockholm-based company developing a reactor solution for stable magnetic plasma confinement with the aim of producing economically viable fusion energy by the 2030s.
INBRAIN Neuroelectronics develops graphene-based brain-computer interface technology for personalized neurological treatments.
Sequentia Biotech develops advanced bioinformatics platforms for data analysis and interpretation in genomics, transcriptomics, epigenomics, and microbiomics, enhancing applications in biomedicine, agritech, and the food industry.
Laser-powered fusion
Marvel Fusion is developing laser-powered fusion technology to revolutionize the energy sector.
Bio-Sourcing is a Belgian biotherapeutic company that produces cost-effective and environmentally friendly biosimilars using goat’s milk.
Bio-Sourcing is a Belgian biotherapeutic company that produces cost-effective and environmentally friendly biosimilars using goat’s milk.
Netris Pharma is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on developing anti-cancer therapeutics, particularly its lead product NP137, which is designed to enhance the effectiveness of oncology treatments by overcoming drug resistance.
Hoba Therapeutics is a biotech firm specializing in developing novel treatments for painful Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy and sensorineural hearing loss, currently advancing their lead drug candidate, HB-086, towards Phase 1 clinical trials.
Quantum Sensing
QuantumDiamonds is a startup that develops advanced quantum sensing technology for non-destructive, nano-scale magnetic field imaging using synthetic diamonds, targeting applications in the semiconductor industry.
Battery Recycling
Circu Li-ion has developed an upcycling machine that uses AI and a battery library to diagnose and separate usable battery cells for mobility applications and renewable energy storage, while sending cells that don't meet the criteria to recycling facilities.
FarmInsect is an agritech startup that offers an automated fattening system for farmers to produce protein-rich animal feed from insect larvae, eliminating the need for expensive and environmentally harmful imports.
Upmem is a fabless semiconductor startup that specializes in processing-in-memory (PIM) solutions, enabling data-intensive operations to be computed with programmable coprocessors integrated directly into the memory for large data analytics and AI applications.
Upmem is a fabless semiconductor startup that specializes in processing-in-memory (PIM) solutions, enabling data-intensive operations to be computed with programmable coprocessors integrated directly into the memory for large data analytics and AI applications.
Energy Industry
Nuventura is a Berlin-based company that specializes in SF6-free, medium-voltage gas-insulated switchgear technologies, aiming to replace the industry-standard sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) with environmentally friendly dry air to accelerate the energy industry's transition away from SF6 and comply with upcoming international regulations.